Spotted: Ghosts التطبيقات

Ouija Board 1.11
Spotted: Ghosts
Can you really speak to spirits? Lets find outwith my Ouija Board!I have made this Ouija Board App purely to see if it is possible tocommunicate with Spirits via new technology.I don't know if you will be able to speak to them or not, you willhave to try it out and let me know.It works the same as a physical Ouija Board.Put your finger on the planchette and ask if there are anyspirits.It might move, it might not.If it moves, ask the spirit any questions you like.When you are finished always move the planchette to"GOODBYE".If you don't know how to use a Ouija / Spirit Board, then I suggestyou don't download this app until you have educated yourself.Hit me up on twitter @SpottedGhosts** Disclaimer **Use at your own risk, I cannot be held personally responsible foryou or any outcome (paranormal or otherwise) from using thisapp!
EMF Detector - ITC Research 1.0.3
Spotted: Ghosts
This EMF Detector uses your devices built in Magnetic Sensor. Thesensor works by detecting magnetic fields along the x, y, and zaxis or your device. The difference is that this EMF Detectordisplays coloured pixels on screen depending on where the magneticfield has come from and how strong the magnetic field is determineshow many pixels are displayed. I have developed this EMF Detectorto be slightly different from others. It is a test, using somefairly advanced mathematical algorithms that I have developed, tosee if entities / spirits are able to manipulate the magneticfields through your device magnetic sensor and produce images onthe screen using the pixels. Upon startup, the app will calibrateyour magnetic sensor to remove any disturbances around it, then ifmagentic fields are detected the pixels will change. If for anyreason the detector goes out of sync, just press the "Recalibrate"button on the screen. It is recommended that you switch your deviceinto "Airplane Mode" to stop any interference. If your device hasnot got a Magnetometer built into it then a message will bedisplayed on the screen stating this and that you can't use it. Ifthis happens, please don't leave a low rating on my app as it isnot my fault that your device does not have the hardware. **Important Note ** This app creates a folder on your device called"SpottedGhosts/EMFDetector" ** Disclaimer ** Use at your own risk,I cannot be held personally responsible for you or any outcome(paranormal or otherwise) from using this app!
ITC Static TV Ghost Box 1.0.2
Spotted: Ghosts
Can spirits communicate with us through TV static? I have developeda prototype static TV type app, that uses your mobiles built insensors to manipulate the static pixels on screen. If spirits areclever enough then they should be able to do something with thisapp. ** Important Note ** This app creates a folder on your devicecalled "SpottedGhosts/ITCStaticTVGhostBox" ** Disclaimer ** Use atyour own risk, I cannot be held personally responsible for you orany outcome (paranormal or otherwise) from using this app!
Video Ghost Hunting Scare Prank 1.2
Spotted: Ghosts
Turn off the lights, make sure it's dark and prepare to be scared!!Our Augmented Reality Ghost Hunting Scare App WILL Scare you! Wetake no responsibility to you or anyone that uses this app. USE ATYOUR OWN RISK! Don't forget to record on other devices at the sametime to get the true GHOST HUNTING SCARE experience! Email us yourfindings. Do NOT use this if you are pregnant, or a weak heart, orscare easily (or any other form of disposition). Again, we acceptNO responsibility to anyone that uses this app. Enjoy. ** This is aprank app designed to scare your friends ** It is a prototype for aan actual game we are making
IP Radio Spirit Box 1.0.6
Spotted: Ghosts
A Spirit Box using IP Radio Station connections
Pop a Pumpkin - Spotted Ghosts 1.1
Spotted: Ghosts This is Spotted Ghosts 3rd game, Pop APumpkin. Can you Pop the Pumpkins before you run out of time? Eachlevel gets quicker and faster! Can you complete the game and score100? Enjoy :) If you need any help then hit me up on twitter@SpottedGhosts
Ghosts & Skeletons 1.0
Spotted: Ghosts
Play against your phone or Tablet in 1 Player mode. Play againstyour friends (on the same device) in 2 Player mode. Enjoy :) Thisgame is constantly being improved with new features addedregularly. * Currently working on making this networkable so youcan play against people all over the world *
SG2 Spirit Box 1.1.13
Spotted: Ghosts
Our 3rd Spirit Box, SG2!! like it's predecessor, Spirit Box Lite,in contains a Soundbank with over 3000 sound clips, taken from AMFM CB CW VHF UHF, Morse, various ghost box recordings &phonetic audio from single words in many different languages (Someeven overlayed & echo'd) & a few other sources. In choppingthem down to 1 second clips, it's very hard to create a fullsentence from a 1 second clip & any words in there will betotally unrelated to possibly any question a person may ask. Randomis the best way to describe what is happening in the audio... therereally is no way to judge what will be said at the same time of aquestion.. The best thing about it is.. because it uses a morephonetic sound in the clips, we should be able to get foreignlanguage usage & responses from it too. Just be warned its notfor the faint hearted, this can be a terrifying experience if youhave never touched a ghost box before so we recommend researchingabout the ghost box before deciding to try one for real. Simplyclick on "Start", this will open up the player and the sounds willstart playing. When you have finished click the "Back" button onyour device, this will take you back to the "Start" screen, fromhere it is safe to close the app down. You can now change thereverb settings for playback, from none, small room, medium room,large room, small hall, medium hall, large hall and plate. You cannow download extra Soundbanks, containing an extra 100 sound clipfiles at a time. When they are available for download, the app willtell you, follow on the screen instructions. Please, if you findany bugs or the app crashes, please submit the bug report so I canfix the problem, thank you. ** IMPORTANT INFO ** This is a largefile, over 70MB, so please make sure you have enough room on yourdevice. ** Disclaimer ** Use at your own risk, I cannot be heldpersonally responsible for you or any outcome (paranormal orotherwise) from using this app!---------------------------------------- ** SUBSCRIPTION ** For £2per month or £20 per Year. Removes ALL Adverts, FREE SoundbankDownloads, and more features for paying subscribers coming soon.Please help me make this app better for you.----------------------------------------
SGK1 - Ghost Hunting Kit 4.0.2
Spotted: Ghosts
Featuring an EMF Detector, the SG3 Spirit Box and EVP Recorder -All in 1 Kit
Wiccan Spirit Board - Spotted: Ghosts 1.5
Spotted: Ghosts
Our latest Spirit Board - Wiccan Spirit Board I have developed thisSpirit Board to replicate a physical Spirit Board (sometimes knownas a Ouija Board or Yes No Board). Simply place your finger on theplanchette and start to ask questions, if the planchette moves thenyou could be talking to a spirit. If nothing happens, please don'tgive up, keep trying!! Don't forget to move to "Goodbye" when youhave finished. Good luck!! ** Disclaimer ** Use at your own risk, Icannot be held personally responsible for you or any outcome(paranormal or otherwise) from using this app!
Spirit Board - Spotted: Ghosts 1.1
Spotted: Ghosts
I have developed this Spirit Board to replicate a physicalSpiritBoard (sometimes known as a Ouija Board or Yes No Board).Simplyplace your finger on the planchette and start to askquestions, ifthe planchette moves then you could be talking to aspirit. Ifnothing happens, please don't give up, keep trying!!Don't forgetto move to "Goodbye" when you have finished. Goodluck!! **Disclaimer ** This is NOT a game, learn how to use aSpirit Boardbefore downloading. Use at your own risk, I cannot beheldpersonally responsible for you or any outcome (paranormalorotherwise) from using this app!
SGK2 - Ghost Hunting Kit 2.0.14
Spotted: Ghosts
Another of our All in 1 Ghost Hunting Kits is now available!!Featuring an EMF Detector, our Streaming Spirit Box and EVPRecorder. EMF Detector ---------------------- The EMF Detector usesthe Magnetometer built into your Android Device (some devices donot have this, in which case the feature will not work). TheStreaming Spirit Box ---------------------------------------- Ihave setup my own IP Stream, which is a bit like an online radiostation, and is constantly streaming random sounds. The randomsounds are a library of short sound clips (roughly 10,000 audioclips) taken from AM FM CB CW VHF UHF, Morse, various ghost boxrecordings & phonetic audio from single words in many differentlanguages (Some even overlayed & echo'd) & a few othersources. In chopping them down to 1 second clips, it's very hard tocreate a full sentence from a 1 second clip & any words inthere will be totally unrelated to possibly any question a personmay ask. This is probably the first of its kind. We know that manyhave wanted something like this for a while now. Random is the bestway to describe what is happening in the audio... there really isno way to judge what will be said at the same time of a question..The best thing about it is.. because it uses a more phonetic soundin the clips, we should be able to get foreign language usage &responses from it too. Just be warned its not for the fainthearted, this can be a terrifying experience if you have nevertouched a ghost box before so we recommend researching about theghost box before deciding to try one for real. Simply click on"Start", this will open up the player and the sounds will startplaying. When you have finished click the "Back" button on yourdevice, this will take you back to the "Start" screen, from here itis safe to close the app down. you can change the sweep rate, orrate in which a sound is played, via the slider on the main screen.EVP Recorder ---------------------- The EVP Recorder allows you torecord your spirit box session, or just record on its own. A folderis created on your device called "SpottedGhosts", in there you willfind folders for all of our apps. Go into the "SGK2" folder, theninto the "Recordings" folder, here you will find all yourrecordings as .3gp. You can also share your .3gp files via any appon your device that allows the sharing of 3gp (or audio) files.--------------------------------- A handy tool to have for anyParanormal Investigations or Ghost Hunting Session! Please beaware, I am not stating that ghosts / spirits will 100% communicatewith you through my app, but it has worked for me and many otherpeople. Please be patient, I hope you get the answers you arelooking for. ---------------------------------------- **SUBSCRIPTION ** For £3 per month or £25 per Year. Removes ALLAdverts, FREE Soundbank Downloads, and more features for payingsubscribers coming soon. Please help me make this app better foryou. ---------------------------------------- ** This app containsadverts ** Yes we know, everyone hates adverts right? Well, I thinkyou should look at adverts as a good thing, they are a way for youto help to financially support the developers, without actuallypaying the developers any money. So please don't be annoyed withthe adverts in this app, they are there to help us finance thedevelopment of new features for you, the users. ** Disclaimer **Use at your own risk, I cannot be held personally responsible foryou or any outcome (paranormal or otherwise) from using this app!
Spotted Ghosts Slot Machine 1.0.1
Spotted: Ghosts
This is our 1st Fruit Machine, it's completely FREE :) You startoutwith 10 Credits, if you run out, simply hit the "BACL" buttononyour device and start again. It has 2 BONUS Games, a Hi Lo Game,anda FREE Price BONUS! Get any 2 and win a credit. Get any 2, 3timesin a row and get into 1 of the bonus games. Get any 3 and wintheamount of Credits for those 3 fruits. Get any 3, 2 times in arowand get into 1 of the bonus games. Get 3 NDROID logos, win100Credits and get into the FREE Prize Bonus Game. Don't forgettoHold or Nudge if you can, but only if you need too! Hi LoBonusGame: Look at the number between the HI and Lo buttons,choosewhether the next number will be higher or lower than thatnumber.If you choose high and the new number is higher then you winacredit, if you choose lower and the new number is lower thenyouwin a credit. Right Side Bonus Game: Stop the flashing Creditsbyhitting the STOP button, which ever Credit you land you, youwin!Enjoy !!! :)
EVP Recorder Compact - Spotted: Ghosts 1.0.11
Spotted: Ghosts
This is a simpler Compact / Lite version of my main EVPRecorder,which can be foundhere:"Compact" version: No Title Screen! No User Registration! NoThemes!Just the Recorder and Analyser Screen (in the same screen)and theFile Manager Screen.
EMF Meter - ITC Research
Spotted: Ghosts
Use your device as an EMF Meter
SG4 Spirit Box - Spotted Ghosts 1.0.12
Spotted: Ghosts
Our 4th Spirit Box, SG4!! like it's predecessor, Spirit Box Lite,incontains a Soundbank with over 3000 sound clips, taken from AMFM CBCW VHF UHF, Morse, various ghost box recordings &phonetic audiofrom single words in many different languages (Someeven overlayed& echo'd) & a few other sources. In choppingthem down to 1second clips, it's very hard to create a fullsentence from a 1second clip & any words in there will betotally unrelated topossibly any question a person may ask. Randomis the best way todescribe what is happening in the audio... therereally is no way tojudge what will be said at the same time of aquestion.. The bestthing about it is.. because it uses a morephonetic sound in theclips, we should be able to get foreignlanguage usage &responses from it too. Just be warned its notfor the faint hearted,this can be a terrifying experience if youhave never touched aghost box before so we recommend researchingabout the ghost boxbefore deciding to try one for real. Simplyclick on "Start", thiswill open up the player and the sounds willstart playing. When youhave finished click the "Back" button onyour device, this will takeyou back to the "Start" screen, fromhere it is safe to close theapp down. You can change the reverbsettings for playback, fromnone, small room, medium room, largeroom, small hall, medium hall,large hall and plate. You can nowdownload extra Soundbanks,containing an extra 100 sound clip filesat a time. When they areavailable for download, the app will tellyou, follow on the screeninstructions. Please, if you find anybugs or the app crashes,please submit the bug report so I can fixthe problem, thank you. **IMPORTANT INFO ** This is a large file,over 70MB, so please makesure you have enough room on your device.** Disclaimer ** Use atyour own risk, I cannot be held personallyresponsible for you orany outcome (paranormal or otherwise) fromusing this app!---------------------------------------- **SUBSCRIPTION ** For £2per month or £20 per Year. Removes ALLAdverts, FREE SoundbankDownloads, and more features for payingsubscribers coming soon.Please help me make this app better foryou.----------------------------------------
The ZoBox Spirit Box 1.0.9
Spotted: Ghosts
Our latest Spirit Box - the ZoBox like it's predecessor, SpiritBoxLite, in contains a Soundbank with over 3000 sound clips,takenfrom AM FM CB CW VHF UHF, Morse, various ghost box recordings&phonetic audio from single words in many different languages(Someeven overlayed & echo'd) & a few other sources. Inchoppingthem down to 1 second clips, it's very hard to create afullsentence from a 1 second clip & any words in there willbetotally unrelated to possibly any question a person may ask.Randomis the best way to describe what is happening in the audio...therereally is no way to judge what will be said at the same timeof aquestion.. The best thing about it is.. because it uses amorephonetic sound in the clips, we should be able to getforeignlanguage usage & responses from it too. Just be warnedits notfor the faint hearted, this can be a terrifying experienceif youhave never touched a ghost box before so we recommendresearchingabout the ghost box before deciding to try one for real.Simplyclick on "Start", this will open up the player and the soundswillstart playing. When you have finished click the "Back" buttononyour device, this will take you back to the "Start" screen,fromhere it is safe to close the app down. You can change thereverbsettings for playback, from none, small room, medium room,largeroom, small hall, medium hall, large hall and plate. You cannowdownload extra Soundbanks, containing an extra 100 sound clipfilesat a time. When they are available for download, the app willtellyou, follow on the screen instructions. Please, if you findanybugs or the app crashes, please submit the bug report so I canfixthe problem, thank you. ** IMPORTANT INFO ** This is a largefile,over 70MB, so please make sure you have enough room on yourdevice.** Disclaimer ** Use at your own risk, I cannot be heldpersonallyresponsible for you or any outcome (paranormal orotherwise) fromusing this app!
SG ARK Video Ghost Hunting Kit 2.0.5
Spotted: Ghosts
Video Ghost Hunting Kit - including an EMF Meter and SG Spirit Box
Spirit Talker 4.1.6
Spotted: Ghosts
Can spirits manipulate our devices to communicate with us?
Spirit Box SG1 5.0.2
Spotted: Ghosts
A different type of ITC Spirit Box Communication!
EVP Recorder - Spotted: Ghosts 9.0.9
Spotted: Ghosts
Can Ghosts / Spirits speak to us? (Used worldwide by ParanormalInvestigators)
PTK1 - Paranormal Toolkit 1.0.1
Spotted: Ghosts
An Essential Ghost Hunting Toolkit for Paranormal Investigations
Ghost / Spirit Speech
Spotted: Ghosts
Can Sprits Speak to Us?
SG SLS Ghost Hunting Camera 1.0.3
Spotted: Ghosts
Turn your device into an SLS type Ghost Camera with Body and FaceDetection
Paranormal Spirit Music Box 1.0.12
Spotted: Ghosts
An Eerie Musical Trigger Toy for Spirits to Play with!
Paranormal Spirit Typer 1.0.1
Spotted: Ghosts
Can Spirits Type a Message using our Device Sensors?